iPad All-in-One For Dummies. 7th edition

Книга iPad All-in-One For Dummies. 7th edition

Автор: Muir, Nancy
Название: iPad All-in-One For Dummies. 7th edition
Язык: английский
Издательство: Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
Год: 2015
Объем: xvi, 524 p.
Серия: For dummies
Формат: pdf
Размер: 13,6 mb
Nancy C. Muir is the author/co-author of more than 100 books. She has won awards from the Independent Booksellers Association and The Society for Technical Communication. Her experience includes working for and consulting with several major publishers on book series and strategies, as well as working in the software industry as a training manager. Nancy holds a Certificate in Distance Learning Design from the University of Washington.
The iPad's popularity just keeps growing. Part iPod, game console, e-reader, and ultra-powerful microcomputer; the iPad does so many things that this resource needs five minibooks to address them all. Written by bestselling For Dummies author Nancy Muir, this all-in-one guide explores iPad basics, fun stuff, iPad on the go, getting productive with iWork, and using iPad to get organized in five, full-color minibooks.
Updated for iOS 7, iPad Air, iPad mini, and earlier iPad models
Starts with the iPad basics like setting up your device, navigating the touchscreen interface, and getting connected before moving on to working with the built-in apps like Mail, Safari, Messages, Reminders, Calendar, and Notes
Covers useful features and apps to help you work from anywhere - from using Pages, Numbers, and Keynote to printing documents, getting driving directions, managing your contacts, more
Shows you where to find the latest apps, music, e-books, games, videos, movies, and accessories to customize your iPad and have a little fun
Includes bonus online minibook with the best-of-the-best business, travel, education, news, weather, and financial apps
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