Arduino in Easy Steps

Книга Arduino in Easy Steps

Автор: Stuart Yarnold
Название: Arduino in Easy Steps
Издательство: In Easy Steps Limited
Год: 2015
Формат: epub
Размер: 10.7 Mb
Язык: Английский
Arduino in Easy Steps begins with an explanation of what Arduino is: an ecosystem that includes a small electronic board, a free software application used to program the board, and an online community that connects thousands users. Showing the reader what is required both in terms of hardware and software, this guide provides instructions for using the software with all the operating systems and explains certain techniques, such as soldering, that will be needed. A primer in basic electricity and electronics, this book helps readers understand how electronic circuits work, how to build them, and how to write and debug the code to program their projects. To illustrate how to use Arduino, there is a chapter detailing a number of typical projects, the required components, the schematic diagram, and the code. Finally, Arduino in Easy Steps details where the reader can get more information and support for Arduino, advice on how and where to buy Arduino and other required electronic parts, and where to find ready-made code that can be freely downloaded.

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