Gears & Gear Cutting

Аудиокнига Gears & Gear Cutting

Автор: Ivan Law
Год издания: 1987
Формат: pdf
Издат.: Trans-Atlantic Publications
Страниц: 136
Размер: 8,3 Мб
ISBN: 0852429118
Язык: Английский

*Excellent book for the mechanical enthusiast! Well written, with enough drawing aids, it does not require high math skills! You must know a little bit of miling operations and machines to get the full photo of the book!

*This is the most informative book on gear cutting that I have ever read. Even though the "Machinists' Handbook" covers gears in more precise mathematical detail, this book was written to educate the hobby or amateur machinist on how to both design and make several types of gears (spur, worm, bevel). The author educates the reader reader on gear theory, and then on how to make the gears on inexpensive hobby lathes/mills. In addition, he covers how to make gear cutters inexpensively, and use them to make the gears. The language he uses is simple and concise, yet he covers gear theory enough so that the reader has advanced knowledge of the fundamentals necessary to design thier own gears and gear trains.
I have no negative criticism to offer of this book - it was exactly what I was looking for, and my money was well spent.

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