Engage: Level 3: Student Book and Workbook

Аудиокнига Engage: Level 3: Student Book and Workbook

Автор: Gregory J Manin, Alicia Artusi, Helen Halliwell, Claire Thacker, Robert Quinn, and Lewis Lansford
Название: Engage: Level 3: Student Book and Workbook (Second edition)
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Год: 2011
Формат: PDF, MP3 96.0 Kbps
Размер: 126.2 Mb
Язык: Английский
Engaging and maintaining students' interest is essential to successful learning. Engage Second Edition does this with its fresh new design and up-to-date topics. The revised syllabus provides new opportunities for students to master vocabulary, encouraging confidence and success. To ensure that new language is accessible and easy to digest, each grammar lesson presents and practices one point and there are lots of opportunities to personalize the language through meaningful tasks with realistic aims.
Each unit contains lessons in all four skills and there is clear step-by-step modeling and simple strategies for support. The Magazine section, Extend your Vocabulary activities, and Extra Reading sections, all help to fulfill the needs of fast finishers enabling teachers to cater for mixed-ability classes.

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